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Chemkart prohibits the publication of product information related to prohibited, illegal and counterfeit products. Chemkart will be the decision-making entity in case of any disputes on this issue

  1. Chemkart holds all rights to approving products that Users input from their end. If a product is prohibited, illegal and counterfeit; Chemkart will convey to you to edit the product.
  2. The listing of information such as jobs or personal advertisements is prohibited.
  3. We reserve the right to amend, delete or reject any inappropriate or irrelevant Keywords. Listing of products must be carried out according to following directions -
    • No repeated listing – Repeated listing refers to listing of similar or identical product information two or more times.
    • “Identical product information” refers to product listings with indistinguishable subjects, categories, keywords, details, descriptions and pictures
    • “Similar product information” refers to product listing’s subjects, categories, keywords, details and descriptions all are similar or at least 3 are indistinguishable.
    • Measures against repeated listings – Chemkart will take the following actions against the member –
      • Issue a notice to warn suppliers
      • Remove repeated listings
    • Miscategorization - Miscategorization refers to product listings that are placed under inappropriate categories. An example would be if a user put “Acetone” under “Additives”
    • Measures taken against miscategorization – Chemkart has the right to remove or update the listings and notify the user of the same
    • Keyword guidelines – Listings should have matching keywords to it that will help in effective searches by a customer on Chemkart
  4. Product pictures must match the product information submitted. Chemkart reserves the right to reject or remove any product pictures deemed inappropriate or irrelevant.
  5. All information submitted must be in English. Moreover, Chemkart reserves the right to correct any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  6. Chemkart reserves the right to transfer any product information submitted in the wrong industry category to the appropriate industry category or reject any product information submitted in the wrong industry category.
  7. Chemkart reserves the right to transfer any product information submitted with the wrong product attributes to the appropriate product attributes or reject any product information  submitted with the wrong product attributes.
  8. Always use the correct product name or title to ensure buyers can find your product in searches. Inaccurate, unrelated and generalized product names should be avoided.
  9. Please note that you are not allowed to display the same product more than once. Violation of this rule will result in the removal of your duplicated product listings.